About Me

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2020

An Update about My Life

Hello! It's been a while since I wrote my thoughts here, I miss writing so much. Eventho all of my posts are spontaneous and random 😜 but 7 years later when I read them again, I feel honesty and purity coming from my own words and made me feel the urge to write something here.


Hello from 7-years-later-me, I'm an adult now and yet my blog still titled as "Teenager's Life" 😝. My life has been changing constantly and yet still the same. I'm matured a lot, I guess? My belief about life is kinda change also, but at the same time I still have the same point of view about it, more like changing it's more like expanding? Expanding is a more fit word I guess.

How's life bloggie? Do you miss me like I miss you? Do you know how much happened in 7 years? So much happened! It made me the way I am right now but people from my old school always told me that I don't change a bit, except my body, it is gain more fat right now, hihi. I hope they go away soon, tho.

Well on today's update we are in a pandemic situation right now. We can't go out freely since the virus is everywhere, it really not safe to go out. However on the other notes, I really enjoying my time at home.   

So, back to adult's life that I've been thru..

When I'm in my teen age, I wished I became a cool and smart adult, but here I am still awkward and naive sometimes to face the world. When I'm in my teen age, I never once think to become a fangirl in my adult age. However, surprise! I'm a happy fangirl right now...HAHAHA life is weird and amazing.

The latest post before this, I stated that "I don't like kpop", guess what? I fall too deep into kpop lately. what I mean lately is, for the latest 3 years.


who knows EXO become really cool when I'm adult. Kpop is really an escape for me to cope up with life. The updates are crazy. Every day you knew something new. Even, I can read hangul right now. 

I'm still the same Nabila who wrote her thoughts in this blog, but people around me already living a different life, some already married, some already have children, some are still in their studies. All of us go to different paths and it's okay. 

Being older, I realize some things. We have a different timeline from others. It frustrating when we're in the situation we don't want, but once it passed, we know that the best timeline is whatever happens right now. It may not be good right now, but it will be eventually good later.  

Little by little. Bit by bit. And before you know it, you already pass it. 

 I get scared too much these days, and it's okay.  Being scared is part of life too. Being negative is part of life too. Too much positive can give result to negative too. 


So in conclusion, just live the moment. Enjoy every second of it. While you're there don't forget to capture it. So when you open it again, you'll be surprised and feel nostalgic. Just like I did with you bloggie. 


See you on my next post 💓


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